Beauty Tips From Motha Butta & Ground Breaking Bread

We are so excited to have some delicious snacks in shop this Saturday from 12 to 4 from Hannah of Motha' Butta and Clare of Ground Breaking Bread. 

Clare and Hannah are both Portland gals who bring immense value to our city through Hannah's coconut butters and Clare's gluten free seed based bread.

Below Hannah and Clare are sharing some of their best beauty and self care tips!

Favorite self care ritual?


Hannah: Face mask, hair mask, exfoliated skin, and of course - living in my robe any time I'm at home.

Clare:  I've been doing Castor Oil packs a few nights a week. Before bed you take a quarter size drop of Castor Oil and massage it into your stomach from below your last rib to the tops of your hip bones. I put on an old T-shirt (oil can stain) and head off to bed. When you wake up, the oil has absorbed into your skin and underlying organs. Castor Oil can help detoxify the liver naturally, support uterine and ovarian health, improve lymphatic circulation, and reduce inflammation. I would consult with a Naturopath prior to trying this self-care ritual, but it's worked wonders for me!


Favorite part about being a small business owner?

Hannah: The flexibility! While always busy, I love that I am in control of my schedule. It allows me to actually be more productive and equally spread my time out across all facets of the business.

Clare: Being a small business owner is a never ending race against yourself. I've learned that it's allowing yourself to find peace with where you are, to find balance in your days, to stay humble with your goals, to stay motivated and inspired by others without allowing comparison to get in your way, and to enjoy the ups and downs because every high is a gift that you've essentially given yourself and every low is a lesson. Can I say my least favorite too? Being alone! I love connecting with people, bouncing ideas off of strangers at coffee shops is my new go-to (apologies in advance if I ever tap you on the shoulder when you're just trying to drink your latte!)


What inspired your to get into making your products?

Hannah: I was making coconut butter for myself - as a smoothie bowl connoisseur, and after getting more questions on social about my recipes, I thought 'hey, there is a demand for this'. So I started selling in small batches out of my kitchen.

Clare: There is a much longer story here, but the heart of it, or the seed if you will, of this much larger plant that I'm growing is simplicity and connection. After a few years living abroad, my body wasn't happy with all of the additives and "surprises" in almost all food in America. Our bodies are exposed to so many toxins on a daily basis, my body went into some type of weird shock where I could hardly eat anything without curling up in a ball after.

The purpose of GBB is not just a vessel for your toppings, although it does make an excellent toast, but rather a way of connecting people with how they fuel their bodies, how they "break bread" with others, and truly looking through a new lens at how we view bread in this country. GBB is simple, only nine organic ingredients, packed with protein and fiber. It's not so much about what this bread doesn't have, it's about what it does: connection to local land and farmers, to the hands of a real person who cares, and to those around you with whom you share it with.


Favorite Echo product?

Hannah: Laurel Normal To Mature Facial Elixir with the Laurel Sun Damage Repair Serum.


Favorite Pass time?

Clare: Surfing is how I would like to spend most of my time, in reality living an hour away from the coast I'm lucky if I make it out once or twice every couple of weeks. There's something about the Oregon Coast that is magical, you can feel the harmony of a beautifully balanced ecosystem, a connection between forrest and ocean. I don't mean to sound too "woo-woo" but until you've paddled out on a rainy Oregon day and spun your board around to face the shore, you won't quite get it. I encourage anyone to get out there (with someone who can guide you) and have a look for yourself.


Favorite thing about being based in Portland?


Clare: I was born and raised here in Portland. I spent the better half of my twenties living out of the country only to return to Portland a year ago and start GBB. Portland is a magical place, I've watched it transform over the years in many ways, not necessarily for better or worse. The people of Portland are resilient, inspired, and truly color outside the lines. I couldn't have started a business this quickly anywhere else, the people here are truly special and unique, I just adore them and am very grateful to call this home.

A huge thank you to Hannah and Clare for sharing some of their secrets! Be sure to stop by the shop tomorrow to try out their tasty and healthy treats!